Cornell Botanic Gardens & F.R. Newman Arboretum

Ithaca, New York

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night will keep this quester from the Cornell Botanic Gardens! In this case, it was rain but since we were in Ithaca, NY for only a day, off we went– and loved every minute of it. I didn’t know whether to die of envy or happiness so I didn’t. 🙂 One third of the campus is gorges, cultivated gardens, arboretum or natural areas. We were there on the first day of classes and you wouldn’t believe what a beautiful walk to campus the students have.

Best College Reviews lists the 50 Best College Arboretums. Guess who is #1? Cornell! Best College Reviews says, “Many schools have become centers of beauty and enlarged their very educational mission to the community at large, as well as their students, by developing and designing arboretums and botanical gardens. These sanctuaries are conducive to study, contemplation, meditation and research. Ancient wisdom and modern research confirm a love of nature and spending time in nature as important to emotional, spiritual, social and physical health.” Check out the photos– you’re going to love it too!